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Home Heat Pump
Signs Your Home Heat Pump May be Failing
Many homes are heated or cooled with a heat pump heating system. Heat pumps rely on electrical power to pump both hot and cool air into your home. Heat pumps are an efficient, economical solutions and able to provide a comfortable living space for your home. Unfortunately, we rely on our heat pump heating system in the winter to keep our home comfortable and safe. Winter months bring cool temperatures, which can often force your heating unit to work overtime in order to provide enough heat to create a comfortable environment. When the heat pump has a heavy workload, problems can sometimes arise with your unit. If the problems are not addressed quickly, you could be left without a heating unit for days, which can be catastrophic.
If you suspect that your home heat pump may not be working as well as it used to, it may be time to call a professional. The team at Get Pumped Heatpumps is happy to take a look at your heat pump if you notice some of the following problems. Of course, the biggest sign that your home heat pump may not be working is if the air produced from the heat pump is not blowing hot. Room temperature air may be a serious sign of a bigger problem. Secondly, you may notice that your heat pump must continuously run in order to maintain a comfortable inside temperature. This is a sign that the heat pump is not working as efficiently as possible. More so, your heat pump may not even be able to achieve the desired interior temperature, struggling to even bring the temperature in the home up to a comfortable level. Lastly, if you take a trip outside your home, you may notice that your heat pump is making a loud noise. As the fan within the heat pump starts to wear, they can cause loud noises that can even include squeaking and whistling.
When you see problems arise with your heat pump, it is time to call the professionals. If you are searching for "heat pumps near me" reach out to the team at Get Pumped Heatpumps. Not only are we able to come to your home quickly, but we are happy to perform a full evaluation on your current system. We will take a look at the interior of your heat pump to determine a cause for the failure. If possible, our team is happy to fix the heat pump, making the necessary repairs with replacement parts. If a repair is not possible, our team is happy to recommend and install a new heat pump for your home. If you are searching for professional services to install "heat pumps near me" reach out to the team at Get Pumped Heatpumps.